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Our latest research with ASCI about deceptive patterns in top Indian consumer apps is now live!
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August 12, 2024
2 min read

From Idea to #2 Product of the Day

AnyoneCanAI’s Launch Story of Innovation, Teamwork, and Community Support

From Idea to #2 Product of the Day

On 11 July, our team accomplished something magical. We launched AnyoneCanAI, our first tool for innovating and designing AI experiences on Product Hunt. The day was exciting, and we ranked - #2 Product of the Day.

Our office on 11th July 🎉

Before we discuss the hows and whats, let us give you a brief overview of AnyoneCanAI. 

Have you ever found creating innovative AI experiences complex? While designing AnyoneCanAI, we considered all the complexities and perspectives and developed a product bridging the gap between business, development, and design teams. With AnyoneCanAI, anyone can innovate and design AI experiences. You can quickly generate AI opportunities, patterns, and solutions with your teams, streamlining your creative process.

Jump right into the ideation room to know more!

AnyoneCanAI’s AI Ideation Room

Before launching on Product Hunt, we had our share of ifs and buts. Having almost no background on the launch strategy, this seemed like an impossible milestone. However, a team of dedicated marketers who refused to give up pulled this off successfully.

How and Why We Decided to Launch on Product Hunt

Launching on Product Hunt was a strategic choice for us. We knew that Product Hunt is a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and potential users actively seeking innovative tools and products. We aimed to reach this targeted audience and get their feedback, validation, and support. This platform also allowed us to gain visibility, attract initial users, and create a buzz around AnyoneCanAI.

Pre-Launch Checklist

Preparation is key. Here’s what our pre-launch checklist looked like:

  • Proactive Makers Engagement: Before launching, one of our key strategies was to ensure all our Makers are actively engaging on Product Hunt. We started this activity 2 months before the launch day to build a community for AnyoneCanAI. This included participating in discussions by providing insightful and thoughtful comments, writing reviews, supporting launches, and creating interesting discussions. In turn, this led to all our Makers earning sufficient kitty points and followers that were the most helpful for the success of our launch.
Some Successful Discussions from Our Makers
  • Mailing List & Social Media Teasers: We compiled a list of potential supporters, influencers, and existing contacts who could help amplify our launch. Also, we posted teasers and sneak peeks on our social media channels to generate curiosity and excitement.
  • Internal Buzz: We ensured all of our Parallel team members were in the loop, updated with the launch steps, and encouraged them to contact their friends and acquaintances to support our launch.

Product Presentation: A significant part of our pre-launch checklist was crafting an appealing product presentation. Here’s how we did it

  • Coming Soon Page: We created a compelling “coming soon” page to capture interest early on. This page included a brief introduction to AnyoneCanAI and a call to action for visitors to follow and stay updated.
Product Hunt Coming Soon Page
  • Product Description: We crafted a concise yet comprehensive product description. It highlighted the core features of AnyoneCanAI, the problems it solves, and how it stands out from existing tools.
AnyoneCanAI’s Profile on Product Hunt
  • Eye-Catching Visuals: Visual appeal matters a lot on Product Hunt. We used engaging images and an interactive video to showcase the functionality and user interface of AnyoneCanAI.

Launch Day Checklist

The day of the launch was meticulously planned:

  • Early Start: We launched early in the day to maximize visibility.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Our team was on standby to engage with real-time comments, feedback, and questions.
  • Promotion: We leveraged our mailing list and social media channels to spread the word about the launch.
    • Insane Energy: All of our team members were present in the office and were there to cheer each other on as the upvotes and feedback started
Our team, everytime the upvotes went 📈

Post-Launch Checklist

Our work didn’t end with the launch. The post-launch phase was equally important:

  • Thank You Messages: We thanked everyone who supported and upvoted our product.
  • Feedback Collection: Gathering feedback from early users helped us understand what worked and what needed improvement.
  • Ongoing Engagement: We continued to engage with the community, providing updates and responding to queries.

Within 24 hours of the launch, we achieved the following:

Some Numbers on Product Hunt
  • 500+ Upvotes
  • #2 Product of the Day
  • #1 Product in User Experience
  • 170+ Unique Comments
Well, well, well. We couldn’t keep calm 🥳

Our success on Product Hunt was not just a product of individual effort but a testament to the power of collaboration. This milestone was achieved through the concerted efforts of various departments, each bringing their unique expertise to the table. Our marketing team played a pivotal role in creating compelling assets for our Product Hunt listing. Despite being relatively new to the platform, they dove enthusiastically and creatively. The development team ensured that AnyoneCanAI was ready for the influx of early adopters. Their focus was on providing a seamless user experience.


Every launch comes with its lessons, and ours was no different. Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Better Time Management: We realized the importance of giving ourselves more buffer time for last-minute tweaks and adjustments. Also, since most engagement comes from the USA, keeping an engagement strategy post-midnight IST is essential.
  • Enhanced Outreach: Although our outreach was effective, we identified additional communities and influencers we could have engaged with earlier, for example, LinkedIn Product Hunt groups, WhatsApp groups, and Discord channels.

The Most Exciting Part - Feedback

Product Hunt Comments

The feedback we received on AnyoneCanAI was incredibly insightful. It helped us understand our audience’s needs better and pinpoint areas for enhancement - user experience improvements, smoother navigation, clarity on the homepage, feature request, etc. 

Moving forward, we are committed to refining AnyoneCanAI based on the feedback we’ve received. To check out AnyoneCanAI, click here.

From Idea to #2 Product of the Day
Muzammil Merchant
Visual Designer

Muzammil is a Visual Designer passionate about crafting eye-catching designs, smooth animations, and compelling videos for branding and marketing.