Insight 1

There is a growing sense of trust around digital

Easy accessibility coupled with flexible loan options attracts users to apps


of the users liked that they could take loan anytime they wanted


who had never taken a loan, said they would opt for digital lending


of the users felt it was quick but still not without risks because of personal data shared
Insight 2

Users prefer 'spoken' language over 'literary' language

All users felt the Hindi used in apps had to be the spoken form of the language with a mix of English words


of the users could not understand literary words like 'Paatrata', 'Dastaavej'


could understand all the Hindi words but still preferred the language to be simplified


preferred English words of common usage like 'Eligibility' over literary Hindi words
Insight 3

English words need to be used with discretion

Understandability of certain English words were low among users leading to apprehension to use the app


of the users did not understand words like 'skip' and 'application'


of the users felt English words enhanced explainability but only if the word was common in 'Hinglish' as well


of the users confused 'credit' and 'application' for other usage of the same words
Insight 4

Knowledge of financial terms is low to nil among users

Users relied on additional assistance through audio-visual or verbal cues to understand financial terms


of the users could not understand terms like EMI, Credit and Average Income


of the users had prior knowledge of the loan process and therefore aware of financial terminologies


of the users confused 'credit' and 'application' for other usage of the same words